Looking at Painting, Volume 1, 2014
Looking at painting
Volume 1, 2014
Published in Leeds
ISBN: 978-0-9930638-0-0
ISSN: 2057-2034
Perfect bound / 300gsm soft matt laminated cover / 115gm uncoated paper
Hand painted editors note
2 Paper inserts
Looking at painting is a journal featuring artists and ideas that exist within in the extended sense of painting. Each journal comes with 2 works, commissioned to lie within the pages. A proposal of a film by Tom Camm and ‘Folds | & Folds ||’ by Charlotte Laidler.
Created and published by Jessie Churchill
Artists Featured:
'Making Sense of Uncertainty:
Not Knowing as a Desirable State'
Natasha Ferguson
Ellie MacGarry
Thomas Churchill
Paloma Proudfoot
Jeff Ko
Katie Tindle
Russell Beighton
In Conversation between:
I’m a Painting (IAP)
Blue Lagoon (BL)
Merike Estna (ME)
Annika Toots (AT)
Kumu Art Museum,
Tallinn, Estonia.
Charlie Godet Thomas
Rebecca Molloy
Sophie Chapman
Veronika Neukirch
David Krňanský
Rachael Archibald
Joshua Swales
Justin Hinder
Justin Terry
Sophie Lee
Sean Murphy
Gillian Churchill
Sophie Jung
Clemens Reinecke
Esther Ruiz
Haffendi Anuar
Paul Barlow
Lauren Gault
Elliot Fox
Deanna Lee
Melissa Staiger
Elsie Kagan
Eleni Odysseos
Alana Bograd